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26047 Ghom Persian Rugs

Ghom Design100% Persian Rug..

4' 6" x 6' 6"

26042 Ghom Persian Rugs

Ghom Design 100% Silk Persian Rug..

4' 7" x 7' 0"

26004 Ghom Persian Rugs

Ghom Design100% Silk Persian Rug ..

4' 5" x 6' 1"

25998 Ghom Persian Rugs

Ghom Design100% Persian Rug..

4' 3" x 6' 6"

35255 Ghom Persian Rugs

Ghom Design100% Persian Rug ..

2' 1" x 4' 4"

34992 Ghom Persian Rugs

Ghom Panel Design Persian Rug..

3' 2" x 4' 8"

29927 Nain Persian Rugs

These hand knotted rugs woven in the city of Nain, east of Isfahan, central Persia. These tradition..

3' 0" x 4' 9"

28630 Nain Persian Rugs

These hand knotted rugs woven in the city of Nain, east of Isfahan, central Persia. These tradition..

8' 2" x 9' 8"

27653 Nain Persian Rugs

These hand knotted rugs woven in the city of Nain, east of Isfahan, central Persia. These tradition..

8' 6" x 12' 1"

35251 Round Nain Persian Rugs

These hand knotted rugs woven in the city of Nain, east of Isfahan, central Persia. These tradition..

7' 0" x 7' 0"

40307 Round Nain Persian Rugs

These hand knotted rugs woven in the city of Nain, east of Isfahan, central Persia. These tradition..

8' 6" x 8' 6"